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The Unexplored Places

Jun 25, 2024

Forgive an old reporter just a moment for a brief aside—a diversion from the story, sure, I’ll grant you that, but one that I think it very much needs. Because the thing the stories like this about Antarras miss, sometimes, is that there weren’t good guys and bad guys, not really. Heroes and villains are things of...

Jun 11, 2024

CONTENT WARNINGS: violence, discussions of death

Though the original settlers did, for a time, use their own ships to ferry the hellstone they first found back to Earth, the Company’s intercession soon shut down any private or personal spacecraft in the airspace over Antarras—at first through violence, and then, as...

Jun 1, 2024

In his 1962 book Profiles of the Future: An Inquiry into the Limits of the Possible, science fiction author Arthur C. Clarke famously wrote that “any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”

He was almost right.

Unfortunately for Mr. Clarke, he had it backwards. What he should have written...